Monday, May 4, 2009

In the beginning...

It is, once again, the beginning of a new adventure. I have not yet left the states, but the journey has already begun. Preparation has been initiated. Peace has arrived. I will be leaving soon (hopefully with a passport! :) ), and I cannot wait for the opportunities that will arise for God to transform and use me! This is what I have been created for. God is here and now and will always be, for God is omnipresent.

I am content.


  1. Oh Audra! I am so excited for you!!!!! (and a tid bit jealous that I don't get to go as well...hahaha ;-) ) I'm so excited to hear all that God is going to do and is already doing within you. It will be absolutely amazing! I'll definitely be praying for you. What time do you leave on Tuesday?

  2. YAY for following God's leading and serving him around the world this summer! I'm praying for you!

  3. I'm so excited to see how God uses you this summer and to see how you grow. You're already so awesome it is hard to imagine you even awesome-er. :) Traveling Mercies!
